HD94 Precinct Chair Rally
September 28 @ 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
For Precinct Chairs: State Rep. Tony Tinderholt is hosting a rally for Precinct Chairs from HD94. You will hear from Rep. Tinderholt, Area Leader Steve Eklund, SREC Committeewoman Susan Valliant, Texas Trump Campaign Director Jessica Colon, and Republican SBOE Candidate Brandon Hall. Lunch will be catered. Please RSVP to eklundastephen@yahoo.com by Sept. 22 for the lunch count. There will be yard signs available for Trump, Cruz, and Tinderholt. A book drawing for the following books will be held: “Unhumans” by Jack Posobiec, “Young Patriots” by Charles Cerami, and “The Way Things Ought to Be” by Rush Limbaugh. Contact Steve Eklund for more info: eklundastephen@yahoo.com, (214) 223-3792.