Precinct Chairs are the seed out of which the grassroots of our Party grow. They are volunteers from every walk of life that make up the strong foundation upon which our Party structure is built. They help get our Republican candidates elected by working at the precinct level to get their neighbors out to vote. Together, they compose the County Executive Committee which is the primary structure of our County Party organization.
Find a list of our current Precinct Chairs below. If your precinct is vacant and you would like to serve, please click here to get involved!
Precinct chairs help promote and grow the local county party and work to elect Republican candidates to office. Your #1 goal is to maximize the Republican vote in your precinct.
Precinct chairs are elected for a two year term in the Republican Primary by filing with the County Chair to be on the ballot. If the election has passed and the position is or becomes vacant the County Executive Committee (CEC) may appoint someone to fill the position.
Work to identify, register, inform and turnout voters and Get to know Republicans in your precinct organize voters in your precinct and provide opportunities to become more involved.
You are able to participate in County Executive Committee Meetings, serve as an Officer, Committee Chair or Committee Member, recruit Precinct Chairs & Volunteers, help work precincts without Precinct Chairs and assist your County Chair as needed.
Place signs at polling locations the night prior to the election and serve as or recruit voters as an Election Judge or Election Clerk.
Conduct the Precinct Convention as the Temporary Chair and ensure that all precinct convention paperwork is returned to the County Chair and work alongside the County Chair as needed to hold the County or Senate District Convention.
201 N. Rupert St.
Suite 117
Fort Worth, Texas 76107
Phone: 817.595.0303
Fax: 817.595.2690
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