Robert’s Rules of Order Training
Robert’s Rules of Order Training
Space is limited for this event. The training will be taught be expert parliamentarian Barbara Proctor. Register by clicking HERE. The training is online.
Space is limited for this event. The training will be taught be expert parliamentarian Barbara Proctor. Register by clicking HERE. The training is online.
If you would like to help with registering new voters, you must go through this VDR training and get certified! If you've been a VDR in the past, your certification […]
This meeting will be via Zoom, to avoid any February weather-related issues. Here is the meeting info: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 861 4087 8601 Passcode: Resolution
A form must be completed and turned in by 2/6 to attend the event. To receive the form, please email Kristina at
The speaker for this event will be Current Revolt founder, Tony Ortiz. The meeting will be in the 3rd Floor Community Room of Stacy Furniture. Doors open at 5:30pm.
The speaker for this meeting will be Retired Congressman Michael Burgess. He will talk about his time in Congress, the highs and lows, and give us a peek behind the […]
“This is a social event where the ladies have an opportunity to meet, eat and visit about families, friends and of course politics.” This luncheon is open to conservative ladies […]
The program for this event will be a panel discussion on educational issues.
To RSVP for this training, email Darl Easton at
This training will be ONLINE. You will learn great strategies for using social media in politics and campaigning. Please sign up by clicking HERE.
Club membership is $30 yearly. Contact Janna Easton for more info. Phone: (817) 798-0078. Email:
Optional dinner is $20 per person. Dinner begins at 6pm and the meeting begins at 7pm.
Come hear from County Judge O'Hare, where he will update us on the state of the county. Mary Kelleher will also update us on the state of the Tarrant Regional […]
Join us for the event of the year! You don't want to miss it. Steve Bannon will be our keynote speaker. Get your tickets by clicking HERE.
201 N. Rupert St.
Suite 117
Fort Worth, Texas 76107
Phone: 817.595.0303
Fax: 817.595.2690
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