Danna Trowbridge is holding a training for our Election Workers and Election Judges for the November election. RSVPs are required because she needs to know how many packets to prepare for attendees. To RSVP, email primary@tarrantgop.org.
True Texas Project - Tarrant County meeting.
Danna Trowbridge is holding a training for our Election Workers and Election Judges for the November election. RSVPs are required because she needs to know how many packets to prepare […]
Tarrant County Republican Assembly Meeting. Contact Anne Gebhart for more info: Phone: (817) 713-4598, Email: anne.gebhart@gmail.com
Danna Trowbridge is holding a training for our Election Workers and Election Judges for the November election. RSVPs are required because she needs to know how many packets to prepare […]
Guest speakers for this meeting will be State Rep. Tony Tinderholt and State Senator Phil King. Optional lunch is $20 per person. RSVP to tatefmly@swbell.net.
Training for poll watchers. For more info or to RSVP, contact Lucila Seri: lucilaseri@gmail.com.
Join us in an action-filled morning hosted by the TC Republican Hispanic Assembly! Come and join us at Kellis Park, get some coffee and pastries, as well as your walk […]
Danna Trowbridge is holding a training for our Election Workers and Election Judges for the November election. RSVPs are required because she needs to know how many packets to prepare […]
Danna Trowbridge is holding a training for our Election Workers and Election Judges for the November election. RSVPs are required because she needs to know how many packets to prepare […]
Meetings are free to attend. Membership is $30 yearly. Contact Janna Easton: Phone: (817) 798-0078, Email: jeaston4444@live.com
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Suite 117
Fort Worth, Texas 76107
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